March 25, 2015

Longitudinal Study

Longitudinal randomized control trial.

Evaluation is critical to Friends of the Children's success. For over 15 years, we have paid for an independent evaluation of the program by a third party. Now, we are in the eighth year of a "gold standard' Randomized Control Trial (RCT), which is showing positive results.

The longitudinal RCT is conducted by researchers at the University of Washington, Princeton University, and the University of Oregon. The goal is to continue this study over the youths' 12 years in the program, following youth through important transitions into middle and high school and on to early adulthood.

This RCT is the only one of its kind measuring the long-term implications of a relationship-based, child-focused intervention spanning the K-12 school years for the children who face multiple systemic obstacles. Results from the study have the potential not only to expand Friends of the Children services and improve youth development programs nationally but also to change policy on how our country invests in the success of our highest-needs children.