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Benjamin Carlton is an activist and social entrepreneur from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He received his MBA from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University before moving to Miami to pursue a career in accounting. In 2013, while in Miami he co-founded the iconic BMe Community, a national movement of community builders that are led and inspired by Black people. BMe Community was founded on the principles of valuing all members of the human family, recognizing Black males as assets, and building more caring and prosperous communities together.
Under his leadership, BMe has influenced national policy, and committed millions of dollars to local community leaders around the nation. BMe’s 300+ Fellows have raised over $400 million, earned 67 major national awards and helped over 2 million families secure educational, economic, human rights, health and wellness opportunities.
Benjamin has trained the world’s leading authorities about asset-framing, storytelling, and narrative change. Some of these entities include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Obama Administration, Deloitte, and Stanford Social Innovation Review. The central premise of asset-framing is to identify people by their contributions rather than their costs and then engage them in living out their aspirational identity for themselves and society.